Friday 12 July 2013


A little yellow fish in a big massive deep blue pond. A pond full of new adventures, obstacles & excitement, a whole new world of endless possibilities and opportunities.

So I am obviously the little fish. Lucy, Lucy-Claire, Lulu, are some of the various names used when referring to me although just Lu is fine. Blonde haired (albeit thanks to the bottle) and ambitious I have chosen to leave the safety and security of the small pond (uttoxeter; a small town in the Midlands) and JUMP feet first into London life. So here I am in the big pond, and I am learning alot. There are many versions of what 'London' is like back home. Busy, loud, ill mannered, to name a few descriptions. Now I am down here though I find I have morphed myself into one of these 'Londeners'.

The first lesson I learnt very quickly is the escalator rule. This is imperative, particularly for the week day London commuter. ALWAYS stand on the right. Whether it be stairs, escalators or in some cases even corridors. Next, always register your oyster card on line. I came across this after a lengthy commute home on the district line when I dropped my freshly topped up oyster card down the dreaded gap. Panicked and aware that I could not afford to re top up on a new card I pulled the emergency leaver on the tube... to the horror and disgust of my fellow passengers. Fortunately the station staff manager to extract the card using a pincer like device fairly quickly..... however the words of a middle aged balding man stuck in my mind.... "what kind of idiot doesn't register their oyster card on line". Me... I am that little yellow fish in this massive pond who doesn't. Every body walks fast in London.... particularly in the week. At first this was alien, sleepy Uttoxeter never has this problem? However I confess I am finding myself now getting agitated by those who are indecisive or meandering around the station.... hello I need to get to work. EVERYTHING is expensive. It took me about a week of pointing this out to everybody before I got the gist.... Yes a glass of house white wine is £15 in Chelsea. And then there is the big north or the river/ south of the river/ east / west divide.

So when first moving down here I lived in Bow (East for those of you less geographically minded). I work in Chelsea (west). Early on I noticed the difference in tube occupants as I travelledd the hour long tube ride to work. The further west in the morning I went the smarter the occupants, mainly comprising of business men, young with fresh faces, clean shaven with their hair meticulously manicured into position. Fullham Broadway is the main culprit for  this clientele of passenger. In the evening as I reached Algate East the more alternative & 'edgy' they would become. Headphones in, music blaring, tattoos, alternative hair colouring, many a piercing. I enjoyed the contrast of living in the gritty urban east of London and working the slick, polished west. And for a while I thought this to be the only divide.... oh no! Whilst out with some friends on Kings Road I casually mentioned to a brunette 'chelsea girl' (I hate using that stereo type but honestly it is such an apt description for this girl) that I was thinking of moving to Clapham. A flash of horror dashed across her face and her response was one of worry and concern for me with a dash of snobbery.... "oh no darling... I would never live south of the river". I for one enjoy all of this pond. I however have settled on the west. I have moved and am living in Wimbledon now (much easier commute) and am still working in Chelsea. Am a regular at inferno's and am partial to cocktail on Kings Road.

 So far I have to say I think I am working this big pond out... but I'll keep you posted

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